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Avere Conjugation – How to use Avere in Italian
Avere conjugation is one of the most important Italian Conjugation to keep in mind. The second one is Essere Conjugation (to…

12 Best Italian books to improve your language skills
One of the best ways to learn a new language certainly is to read books, watch movies and tv-shows, and listen to music in the…

Family in Italian – Vocabulary and Phrases
Family in Italian You will agree that la famiglia, family in Italian, is the most important thing we all have.
Family in Italian…

Passato Prossimo Vs Imperfetto – Italian Past Tenses
Passato Prossimo vs Imperfetto - Learn how to use Italian past tenses through differences in uses between passato prossimo and imperfetto

Italian Imperfetto – The tense of storytelling
Italian Imperfetto is one of the most simple Past Tense, but it can be very confusing since most non-romance languages don't use…