Pizza, pasta, espresso… how do you say one of these things is delicious in Italian? No matter if you say it in your home country or during a trip in Italy in a restaurant. As you probably know, there are several ways to tell someone in Italian that something you usually eat with pleasure or taste is delicious.
The literal translation for delicious in Italian is delizioso. It can be used not only to talk about delicious food, but also referred to nice people who inspire tenderness and / or appreciation. Other ways to say delicious in Italian are buono (good/tasty), squisito (exquisite), gustoso (tasty), saporito (flavourful /flavorsome), appetitoso (appetizing ) and many more. Also, you can say delicious in Italian with common idioms such as da leccarsi i baffi or far venire l’acquolina in bocca!
Well, what we are going to portray in this article is how to talk about good food focusing on the different ways of saying delicious in Italian.
Hence, let’s start with some practical examples; after that, we’ll see in detail each case.
Allora, ti è piaciuto il pranzo di oggi? Tutto delizioso, grazie!
So, did you enjoy lunch today? Everything was delicious, thanks!
Hai sentito di quel posto dove fanno hamburger spettacolari? Ci andiamo?
Have you heard about that place where they prepare spectacular burgers? Shall we go?
Now, let’s see everyday expressions and idioms used to talk about good food:
1. Buono

The very first expression you could use to indicate that something is delicious in Italian is buono. Its meaning can vary according to the context, but it mainly translates as good or tasty when it refers to food.
La torta alle ciliegie di mia madre è sempre buona.
My mother’s cherry pie is always good.
Dove hai comprato questi muffin? Sono davvero buoni!
Where have you bought these muffins? They’re really tasty!
In case you want to state that something is extremely tasty, you can also employ buonissimo, the absolute superlative of good.
Prendi quei biscotti al cioccolato. Sono buonissimi!
Take those chocolate cookies. They’re very good!
Che ne pensi della mia crostata di prugne? – Buonissima!
What do you think about my plum tart? – Very good!
Also, check out these useful books if you want to learn more Italian words and expressions related to food:
2. Delizioso
Secondly, we have delizioso which sounds very similar to the English term delicious. Besides food, this statement is also employed in the meaning of charming, adorable when describing someone’s personality.
Com’è questa cassata? – È deliziosa!
How does this cassata taste? – It’s delicious!
La madre di Gianni è davvero una signora deliziosa.
Gianni’s mother is such an adorable lady.
Fun fact: In a famous scene of the animated feature film “The Aristocats”, mother cat Duchess and her three kittens are drinking milk with their friend, Roquefort the mouse, from a bowl served by the evil butler, Edgar; in the Italian version, the three kittens keep on saying their meal is delicious using terms like delizioso, doppiamente delizioso and squisito.
3. Squisito
In the third place, another term to refer to something delicious in Italian is squisito. This one stands for excellent or exquisite and is usually employed to highlight the tastiness of a well-cooked meal.
Also, in this case, you are allowed to use it when talking about refined and friendly people.
Credo che questo risotto ai funghi sia squisito.
I think this mushroom risotto is exquisite.
Tutti pensano sia una persona squisita ma io non sono d’accordo.
Everyone believes that he’s a refined man but I disagree about that.
4. Gustoso

In case you are enjoying a great Italian meal that tastes good to you, you can say it is gustoso. Furthermore, this expression may be rendered as full of flavor, too.
La zuppa che hai preparato l’altro ieri era proprio gustosa.
The soup you made the day before yesterday was really tasty.
Che ne dici di questi panini al formaggio? – Molto gustosi!
What do you think about these cheese sandwiches? – Very tasty!
5. Saporito
Since they have the same meaning, gustoso and saporito can be considered synonyms. However, you better use saporito to state that your favorite food is delicious in Italian when you want to focus more on its flavor. The equivalent translation in English might be flavourful or flavorsome.
Che piatto saporito! Consigliatissimo!
What a flavorsome dish! Highly recommended!
Non avrei mai pensato di mangiare una carbonara così saporita!
I never thought to eat such a flavourful carbonara!
Here there are other books about food you can read in order to improve your skills: