
If your goal is to know the Italian language, Sapere Conjugation is certainly the thing you have to keep in mind. Sapere is a verb in Italian that means exactly that, to know. As we have said in this previous article, there is another verb that translates to know in Italian: the verb conoscere. They have different uses and meanings, and today we will focus on sapere.

Sapere means to know something and it is an irregular verb of the second conjugation. It can also have the meaning of to know how to do something and in that case it has a similar meaning but different use of conoscere. Sapere is also used in intransitive way and in that case it can also mean to have the taste / smell of . Also, sapere can have the meaning of to think / to suspect something.

Now, I know you are really curious about all these meaning and uses…
But, before starting to see all of them, let’s learn how to change it through the italian tenses!

Sapere Conjugation – Presente Indicativo

Sapere Conjugation - To know in Italian - Presente Indicativo
Io so
Tu sai 
Lui/lei sa 
Noi sappiamo 
Voi sapete 
Loro sanno

As an irregular verb, sapere doesn’t follow typical rules for the present tense. It has a unique form that you’ll need to learn by heart. 


Sappiamo tutti che Mario si è innamorato di Alice.
We all know that Mario has fallen in love with Alice.

Sai suonare la chitarra?
Can you play the guitar?

Questi turisti sanno parlare benissimo l’italiano .
These tourists can speak Italian very well.

Sapere Conjugation – Passato Prossimo 

Io ho saputo 
Tu hai saputo 
Lui/lei ha saputo
Noi abbiamo saputo
Voi avete saputo
Loro hanno saputo

Sapere is a transitive verb. Consequently, in the compound tenses it uses the verb avere as an auxiliary verb. Passato Prossimo is the first compound tense you’ll learn in your Italian journey. It’s the tense of the actions that happened in the recent past. Use this tense when you want to talk about what happened this morning, yesterday or a year ago etc.


Ho appena saputo la notizia, mi dispiace.
I just heard the news, I’m sorry. 

Hanno saputo che non ero a casa.
They heard that I wasn’t home.

Hai saputo qualcosa di Gianni?
Have you heard something about Gianni?

Sapere Conjugation – Imperfetto 

Io sapevo
Tu sapevi
Lui/lei sapeva
Noi sapevamo
Voi sapevate
Loro sapevano

Imperfetto is another important past tense in the Italian language. It’s used to express the habits from the past, to talk about emotions you had and to describe something in the past. 


Sapevo bene che non dovevo andare là, ma ci sono andato comunque.
I knew very well that I didn’t have to go there, but I went anyway.

Hai detto che sapevi come aiutarla.
You said you knew how to help her.

Tutti sapevano che era innocente.
Everyone knew he was innocent.

Sapere Conjugation – Trapassato Prossimo 

Sapere Conjugation - To know in Italian - Trapassato Prossimo
Io avevo saputo
Tu avevi saputo
Lui/lei aveva saputo
Noi avevamo saputo
Voi avevate saputo
Loro avevano saputo

Another compound tense you’ll need is Trapassato Prossimo. It’s formed by the verb avere in Imperfetto and Past Participle of the verb sapere. You’ll use this tense when you want to express the action that had happened before another one.


Avevo saputo che era tornata a Londra.
I had heard that she was back in London.

Ha già sentito che avevamo saputo del suo rapporto con Matteo.
She has already heard that we had found out about her relationship with Matteo.

Sapere Conjugation – Passato Remoto 

Io seppi
Tu sapesti
Lui/lei seppe
Noi sapemmo
Voi sapeste
Loro seppero

The verb sapere has irregular forms also in Passato Remoto. This tense is used to express actions that happened a long time ago in the past. It’s almost never used in the spoken language, but you’ll see it in the novels. 


Appena la vidi, seppi di essere nei guai.
As soon as I saw her, I knew I was in trouble.

E nessuno seppe mai che lo amavo.
And no one ever knew I loved him.

Tutti i parenti furono sorpresi quando seppero che loro due si sarebbero sposati.
All the relatives were surprised when they learned that they were getting married.

Sapere Conjugation – Trapassato Remoto 

Io ebbi saputo
Tu avesti saputo
Lui/lei ebbe saputo
Noi avemmo saputo
Voi aveste saputo
Loro ebbero saputo

Trapassato Remoto is made of the auxiliary verb in the passato remoto and the past participle. It’s always used in the sentences with the passato remoto to express action that happened before another one in the past. 


Dopo che ebbe saputo dove abitava Maria, andò a visitarla.
After he found out where Mary lived, he went to visit her.

Appena ebbero saputo il tuo indirizzo ti vennero a cercare.
As soon as they heard your address they came looking for you.

Sapere Conjugation – Futuro Semplice 

Sapere Conjugation - To know in Italian - Future Tense

Io saprò
Tu saprai
Lui/lei saprà
Noi sapremo 
Voi saprete
Loro sapranno

In Italian we can speak about the future in two ways. We use Futuro Semplice when we want to describe something that is going to happen at some point in the future. If you want to talk about your plans you can use Futuro Semplice


Se mi dici dove vuoi andare saprò dove portarti.
If you tell me where you want to go I’ll know where to take you.

Quando lo vedi, saprai cosa dirgli.
When you see him, you’ll know what to say.

Appena sapranno cosa è successo, verranno qua.
As soon as they know what happened, they will come here. 

Sapere Conjugation – Futuro Anteriore 

Io avrò saputo
Tu avrai saputo
Lui/lei avrà saputo
Noi avremo saputo
Voi avrete saputo
Loro avranno saputo

Another way to talk about the future is to use Futuro Anteriore. Use it when you want to talk about the action that will be finished in the future before another one starts. It’s also used to express assumptions about something that happened in the past but has consequences in the present. 


Ti telefono appena avrò saputo qualche novità.
I’ll call you as soon as I know something new.

Sono sicura che ormai l’avranno saputo.
I’m sure they must have heard by now.

Come avrete saputo, ci trasferiremo a New York.
As you may have heard, we are moving to New York City.

Sapere Conjugation – Congiuntivo Presente 

Sapere Conjugation - To know in Italian - Congiuntivo
Che io sappia
Che tu sappia
Che lui/lei sappia
Che noi sappiamo
Che voi sappiate
Che loro sappiano

The Subjunctive in Italian is called Congiuntivo. You have to use Congiuntivo when expressing your opinion, or when you talk about something that is not certain. Before the verb you will usually see the conjunction che

The Subjunctive is very used in Italian and it has 4 different tenses: Congiuntivo Presente, Congiuntivo Passato, Congiuntivo Imperfetto and Congiuntivo Trapassato


Immagino che tu sappia perché sei qui.
I guess you know why you are here.

Non voglio che sappiano dove mi trovo.
I don’t want them to know where I am. 

Credo che sappiate perché è andato via.
I think you know why he left.

Sapere Conjugation – Congiuntivo Passato 

Che io abbia saputo
Che tu abbia saputo
Che lui/lei abbia saputo
Che noi abbiamo saputo
Che voi abbiate saputo
Che loro abbiano saputo


Sembra che mio figlio abbia saputo dell’incidente.
It seems that my son heard about the incident.

Non so quanti di voi l’abbiano saputo, ma abbiamo delle buone notizie.
I don’t know how many of you have heard this, but we have some good news.

Credo che abbiate già saputo cosa era successo a Marco.
I think you already heard what had happened to Marco.

Sapere Conjugation – Congiuntivo Imperfetto 

Che io sapessi
Che tu sapessi
Che lui/lei sapesse
Che noi sapessimo
Che voi sapeste
Che loro sapessero


Pensavo che sapessi suonare il pianoforte.
I thought you knew how to play the piano.

Sembrava che non ne sapesse niente.
He didn’t seem to know anything about it.

Mario voleva che tutti sapessero del suo ritorno.
Mario wanted everyone to know about his return.

Sapere Conjugation – Congiuntivo Trapassato 

Che io avessi saputo
Che tu avessi saputo
Che lui/lei avesse saputo
Che noi avessimo saputo
Che voi aveste saputo
Che loro avessero saputo


Anche se l’avessi saputo, non avrei reagito diversamente.
Even if I had known, I wouldn’t have reacted differently.

Perché vi comportate come se aveste saputo qualcosa di molto brutto?
Why do you act like you’ve heard something really bad?

Pensavo che avessero già saputo tutto.
I thought they had heard it all before.

Sapere Conjugation – Condizionale Presente 

Sapere Conjugation - To know in Italian - Condizionale

Io saprei
Tu sapresti
Lui/lei saprebbe
Noi sapremmo 
Voi sapreste
Loro saprebbero

To express yourself in the polite and gentle mode you will need Condizionale. It’s also used to express wishes, hypothesis, doubt and regret. 


Non saprei cosa dire.
I wouldn’t know what to say.

Scusi, mi saprebbe dire dove si trova via Roma?
Excuse me, could you tell me where is via Roma?

Se fossi come tua madre, sapresti cucinare.
If you were like your mother, you would know how to cook. 

Sapere Conjugation – Condizionale Passato 

Io avrei saputo
Tu avresti saputo
Lui/lei avrebbe saputo
Noi avremmo saputo
Voi avreste saputo
Loro avrebbero saputo

Conditional in Italian has two tenses. It can be in the present and in the past. Condizionale Passato is also used to express the future action from the viewpoint of the past.


L’avresti saputo se fosse tornato in Italia.
You would have known if he had returned to Italy.

Gli ho assicurato che avremmo saputo cosa fare in quella situazione.
I assured him that we would know what to do in that situation.

Sapere Conjugation – Imperativo 

Sappi (Tu)
Sappia (Lei)
Sappiamo (Noi)
Sappiate (Voi)
Sappiano (Loro)

The Imperative of the verb sapere is irregular and it has its own forms. You use Imperativo in Italian, as in English, when you want to give orders, instructions or advice. 


Sappi che ti appoggerò, qualsiasi decisione prenderai.
Just know that I will support you, whatever decision you make.

Sappiate che vi vorremmo bene, per sempre.
Please know that we will love you, forever.

Sapere Conjugation – Infinito 

Present TensePast Tense
SapereAver saputo 


Ho bisogno di sapere dove hai dormito stanotte.
I need to know where you slept last night.

Dopo aver saputo che sono stata qui, mi ha chiamato.
After he heard I was here, he called me. 

Sapere Conjugation – Participio 

Present TensePast Tense

The present participle of the verb sapere is sapiente. It’s used as an adjective and means wise. Past participle of sapere is used in every compound tense in sapere conjugation. 


Era considerata una donna sapiente e molto in gamba.
She was considered a wise and very accomplished woman.

Ho saputo che il ragazzo che mi piace si è sposato.
I found out that the guy I like got married.

Sapere Conjugation – Gerundio

Present TensePast Tense
SapendoAvendo saputo

Gerundio in italian has a lot of uses. It can be in the present and in the past. You form it with the suffixes -endo or -ando


Supererò qualsiasi ostacolo, sapendo che sei al mio fianco.
I’ll get through any obstacles, knowing that you are by my side.

Avendo saputo della cattiva salute del padre, Alberto ha deciso di tornare a casa.
Having heard about his father’s ill health, Alberto decided to return home.

Different Uses Of Sapere In Italian

Sapere Conjugation - Different uses of sapere in Italian

1. Sapere Meaning to know (something)

The verb sapere literally means to know. More precisely, it means to know something, to know some fact or a situation

Unlike in English, in Italian we can’t use the verb sapere to say that we know someone. For that purpose we use the verb conoscere.


Sai cosa è successo ieri alla festa?
You know what happened at the party yesterday?

Sapevate che lei non è italiana?
Did you know that she is not Italian?

2. Sapere Meaning to find out, to become aware 

Sapere, when used in Passato Prossimo, means to find out, to hear about something.

Pay attention when you put the verb sapere in the past tenses. When it’s used in Imperfetto it means to know, but with Passato Prossimo it means to find out.

Let’s see some examples:

Ho saputo che Anna si è sposata con Marco.
I found out that Anna got married to Marco. 

Sapevo che loro non vengono alla festa.
I knew they don’t come to the party.

3. Sapere Meaning To be able to do something / Can 

Followed by an infinitive it’s used to express knowing how to do something, having some skill.


Mia sorella sa suonare la chitarra.
My sister can play the guitar.

Sai parlare la lingua italiana?

Can you speak Italian?

4. Sapere + di Meaning to taste like something else

Followed by preposition di it means to taste like something, or to give the impression of something.


Questo vino sa di aceto.
This wine tastes like vinegar.

Questa storia mi sa falsa.
This story sounds fake to me.

5. Sapere Meaning to think, to suspect

Sapere can also be translated as to think, to suspect but only when it refers to the speaker, in the first person. In that case we use the construction Mi sa che.

Let’s see some examples: 

Mi sa che non passa l’esame.
I think he won’t pass the exam.

Mi sa che domani piove.
I think it’s going to rain tomorrow.

With all this in your mind you are one step closer to finally sapere l’italiano. 

By: Lucia Aiello

Lucia Aiello is one of the co-founders of LearnItalianGo. Born and raised in Italy, she is a passionate Italian teacher and language enthusiast.

To learn Stare Conjugation can be very useful for you if you want to master Italian language because the verb stare is widely used in Italy.

In fact, after essere and avere, the verb stare is the third most popular verb. If you have already learnt the first two, good job: now it’s time to learn the verb stare!

The verb stare literally means to stay, to be in a place (without moving) or to be in a particular condition, but also to live in a place or to be in a relationship. Depending on the situation, it can be translated as: to be, to remain, to stand, to be situated, to sit. Related words to stare are restare (remain), sottostare (submit to someone) and sovrastare (dominate someone). Also, to express what you are doing at the moment, it is used the verb stare and the Italian Gerund.

Usually the students don’t like to study stare conjugation because it’s irregular. But if you want to speak Italian fluently you have to learn all irregular verbs, including stare! Note also that another difficulty is that the verb stare can be confused with the verb essere. If you want to learn what is the difference between essere and stare check this article out carefully.

So, as you have seen, stare it’s a pretty important verb. Now it’s time to learn how to conjugate it:

Stare Conjugation – Presente

Stare Conjugation - how to say to stay in Italian

As we mentioned before, the verb stare is irregular. We already know what to do in that case. We should learn the conjugation stare by heart, because it’s not following generic rules of the tense. 

Io sto
Tu stai
Lui/ Lei sta 
Noi stiamo 
Voi state 
Loro stanno 

The present tense (or simply ‘the present’) is used to state that an action is occurring at the present time. Same as in English. 

Let’s see some examples:

Come stai?
How are you?

Sto bene, grazie.
I’m fine thanks.

Mio nonno sta male.
My grandfather isn’t well. 

Stefano sta a casa.
Stefano is at home. 

La casa sta sulla collina
The house is on the hill.

You may need one of this vocabulary in order to repeat Italian Verbs:

Stare Conjugation – Passato Prossimo

Io sono stato/a 
Tu sei stato/a
Lui/lei è stato/a
Noi siamo stati/e
Voi siete stati/e 
Loro sono stati/e

Passato Prossimo is the tense we use to talk about actions we did in the recent past. It’s the main past tense in Italian. It’s compound, which means that you’ll need to use the auxiliary verb essere or avere and past participle. In this case we will use the auxiliary verb essere because stare is an intransitive verb.  


Sono stata a Napoli due settimane fa.
I was in Naples two weeks ago.

Siamo stati molto preoccupati per voi.
We have been very concerned about you.

Don’t forget to modify past participles according to the gender and number of the subject! 

Stare Conjugation – Imperfetto

Io stavo
Tu stavi 
Lui/lei stava 
Noi stavamo 
Voi stavate
Loro stavano 

If you want to describe something in the past, talk about feelings or habits in the past you’ll need Imperfetto


Stavo per uscire quando mi ha detto che dovevamo parlare.
I was about to leave when he said we needed to talk.

Quando sono entrato in ufficio, lei non stava scrivendo la mail.
When I entered the office, she wasn’t writing the email.

Che stavate facendo?
What were you doing?

Stare Conjugation – Trapassato Prossimo

Stare Conjugation - how to say to stay in Italian
Io ero stato/a
Tu eri stato/a
Lui/lei era stato/a
Noi eravamo stati/e 
Voi eravate stati/e 
Loro erano stati/e

Another compound tense you have to know is Trapassato prossimo. You’ll need this tense when talking about an event that happened in the past before another event in the past. 


Non ero mai stato in Francia prima.
I had never been to France before.

Ricordi quando eravamo stati in quell’albergo?
Remember when we had stayed at that hotel?

Ieri sei andata alla Galleria degli Uffizi, non ci eri mai stata prima e ti è piaciuta un sacco.
Yesterday you went to the Uffizi Gallery, you had never been there before and you loved it.

Stare Conjugation – Passato Remoto 

Io stetti 
Tu stesti
Lui/lei stette 
Noi stemmo 
Voi steste 
Loro stettero

What perhaps confuses students the most is choosing the appropriate past tense. Maybe there are a lot of past tenses in italian language, but there is one you don’t have to worry about. It’s Passato Remoto. This tense is mainly used in literature and in the written language, and almost not used while speaking. 


Nel capanno stemmo tutta la notte.
In a shed we stood all night long.

Da quel giorno in poi, stettero in contatto l’uno con l’altro durante il corso degli anni successivi.
From that day forward, they stayed in touch with each other over the next few years.

Steste qualche mese insieme.
You were a few months together.

Stare Conjugation – Trapassato Remoto 

Io fui stato/a
Tu fosti stato/a
Lui/lei fu stato/a
Noi fummo stati/e
Voi foste stati/e
Loro furono stati/e

If stare conjugation in Trapassato Remoto stirs you up, don’t worry! This is the rarest tense in Italian language. You’ll encounter Trapassato Remoto only if you are a bookworm and you want to dive into italian literature. 

Stare Conjugation – Futuro Semplice 

Io starò
Tu starai 
Lui/lei starà
Noi staremo
Voi starete 
Loro staranno 

On the other hand, Futuro Semplice is quite an important tense. There is no tomorrow without this tense, so don’t miss it! Futuro Semplice is used to describe a future event. 


Non so ancora quanto tempo starò a Napoli
I don’t know yet how long I will stay in Naples.

Ti starà accanto tutta la serata.
He’ll be by your side all night.

Se domani piove, staremo a casa.
If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay home.

Stare Conjugation – Futuro Anteriore 

Stare Conjugation - how to say to stay in Italian
Io sarò stato/a
Tu sarai stato/a
Lui/lei sarà stato/a
Noi saremo stati/e
Voi sarete stati/e
Loro saranno stati/e

A future action can also be expressed with Futuro Anteriore. But in this case the action will happen before the Futuro Semplice. Also, we use this tense to express an assumption. 

Let’s see some examples: 

Il giorno in cui sarà stata a Firenze, le scriverò.
I’m going to write to her once she has arrived in Florence.

Sarò stato un bambino, la prima volta in cui ho visto una partita.
I must have been a kid the first time I watched a game.

Perché Anna e Marco non c’erano alla festa? Saranno stati al lavoro.
Why weren’t Anna and Marco at the party? They must have been at work.

Do you know that in Italian there’s one tense you use when you want to express your opinion, uncertainty, hopes, and fears? Well, it’s Subjunctive Mood or Congiuntivo in italian. It usually comes after che

Stare Conjugation – Congiuntivo Presente

Che io stia
Che tu stia
Che lui/lei stia
Che noi stiamo
Che voi stiate
Che loro stiano


Penso che Anna non mi stia dicendo la verità.
I think Anna is not telling me the truth.

Sembra che stia soffrendo molto.
He seems to be in a lot of pain.

E’ bello che stiano leggendo quel libro insieme.
It’s nice that they’re reading that book together.

Stare Conjugation – Congiuntivo Passato

Che io sia stato/a
Che tu sia stato/a
Che lui/lei sia stato/a
Che noi siamo stati/e
Che voi siate stati/e
Che loro siano stati/e


Penso che lui sia stato bravo in matematica.
I think he was good at math.

Non credo che siano stati molto felici all’estero.
I don’t think they were very happy abroad.

Spero che non sia stato un’incidente grave.
I hope it wasn’t a serious accident.

Stare Conjugation – Congiuntivo Imperfetto 

Che io stessi
Che tu stessi
Che lui/lei stesse
Che noi stessimo
Che voi steste
Che loro stessero


Vorrei che tu non stessi per partire.
I wish you weren’t leaving.

Pensavo che stessimo andando al supermercato.
I thought we were going to the grocery store.

Credo di sapere dove stessero andando.
I think I knew where they were going.

Stare Conjugation – Congiuntivo Trapassato 

Stare Conjugation - how to say to stay in Italian
Che io fossi stato/a
Che tu fossi stato/a
Che lui/lei fosse stato/a
Che noi fossimo stati/e
Che voi foste stati/e
Che loro fossero stati/e


Mi avevi detto di chiamarti, se fossi stato in città.
You told me to call you if I was in town.

Se fossimo stati come loro, avremmo vinto la guerra.
If we had been like them, we would have won the war.

Come se fossimo stati sposati un milione di anni fa.
Like we were married a million years ago.

Stare Conjugation – Condizionale Presente

Io starei
Tu staresti
Lui/lei starebbe
Noi staremmo
Voi stareste
Loro starebbero

When you want to express polite requests, advice, wishes or regret, use Condizionale in italian. In English we use would + verb for the same reason. 


E comunque staresti bene anche con un sacchetto in testa.
And you’d look good with a bag over your head anyway.

Se avessero voluto aiutarci, non staremmo qui a parlarne adesso.
If they had wanted to help us, we wouldn’t be talking about it now.

Magari starei meglio con i nuovi amici.
Maybe I’d be better with new friends.

Stare Conjugation – Condizionale Passato

Io sarei stato/a
Tu saresti stato/a
Lui/lei sarebbe stato/a
Noi saremmo stati/e
Voi sareste stati/e
Loro sarebbero stati/e

Condizionale Passato is the same thing but in the past. It’s a compound tense, used with avere or essere in Condizionale plus past participle. 


Sarei stato un avvocato terribile.
I would have been a terrible lawyer.

Sapevo che sarebbe stato più difficile senza lui.
I knew it would be harder without him.

Senza te non sarei mai stato in grado di affrontarlo.
Without you I would never have been able to deal with it.

Stare Conjugation – Imperativo 

Sta’/stai (tu)
Stia (Lei)
Stiamo (Noi)
State (Voi)
Stiano (Loro)

If you are a person who likes to give orders and instructions you’ll need Imperativo. We already mentioned that stare is an irregular verb, also here it has its own forms.


Sta’ zitto, non sento nulla!
Shut up, I can’t hear anything!

State attenti, ragazzi! Questa lezione è importante!
Be careful, kids! This lesson is important!

Sta’ fermo e tieni in vista le mani.
Stand still and keep your hands in view.

Stare Conjugation – Infinito 

Stare Conjugation - how to say to stay in Italian
Present TensePast Tense
StareEsser stato

Infinitive is the basic form of a verb. It can be in the present tense or in the past tense.


Dobbiamo decidere dove stare a Palermo.
We have to decide where to stay in Palermo.

Il messaggio può esser stato frainteso.
The message may have been misunderstood.

Stare Conjugation – Participio

Present TensePast Tense

You probably won’t encounter Stante very often. On the other hand, Stato is already familiar to you, as the part of the compound tenses in all stare conjugations. 


Stante alle tue dichiarazioni mi aspetto un aumento di stipendio a partire dal prossimo mese.
According to your statements I expect a salary increase starting next month.

Mai stato così vicino a raggiungere l’obiettivo.
Never been so close to achieving the goal.

Stare Conjugation – Gerundio 

Present TensePast Tense
StandoEssendo stato


Stando più attenti alle spese, risparmieremmo più soldi.
By being more careful about spending, we would save more money.

Essendo stato di recente in Francia, posso dirti che è bellissima.
Having recently been to France, I can tell you that it is beautiful.

8 Different Uses Of Stare In Italian

Stare Conjugation - how to say to stay in Italian

Stare is a very common verb in Italian. Literally can be translated as “to stay” but it has other meanings as well. On some occasions it also means “to be” (same as essere). This can be very confusing, so check out this article to clear up your mind. 

Let’s see when we use the verb stare in italian:

1. To ask someone how is he or she:


Come stai? Sto bene, grazie.
How are you? I’m fine, thank you.

2. To indicate a location:


Staremo in Italia questo weekend, ci visitate?
We are staying in Italy this weekend, are you visiting us?

La sede della società sta a Londra.
The company is headquartered in London.

3. To say what are you doing in this moment:


Cosa stai facendo? Sto leggendo il libro.
What are you doing? I’m reading the book.

Stavo pulendo la casa quando mi ha chiamato
I was cleaning the house when he called me.

4. To talk about health:


Oggi sto proprio male, non posso uscire.
Today I feel really bad, I can’t go out.

Ieri aveva la febbre ma oggi per fortuna sta meglio.
Yesterday he had a fever but today fortunately he is better.

5. As a synonym for the verbs to fit, to suit:


Questo vestito ti sta benissimo.
This dress looks great on you.

Non sta più niente nella valigia, è piena!
Nothing more fits in the suitcase, it’s full!

6. To say “I’m in!”, to say that you agree to do something:


Andiamo al mare domani? Certo, ci sto!
Are we going to the beach tomorrow? Sure, I’m in!

Ci stai a cenare insieme stasera?
Are you in for dinner tonight?

7. To be about to do something – stare + per + infinito:


Sta per piovere.
It’s going to rain.

Sto per uscire, dammi le chiavi della macchina.
I’m about to leave, give me the car keys.

8. To say “leave it”:


Ti serve aiuto? Lascia stare, riposati pure.
Do you need help? It’s not necessary. Take a rest.

I also suggest to you these books to improve your vocabulary:

Italian Idioms With Stare  

As we said before, the verb stare is very important in Italian language. Therefore, there are a lot of idiomatic expressions with this verb. Let’s see the most used ones: 

  • stare come le sardine be crowded 
  • stare a bocca chiusakeep quiet 
  • stare a cuore care for 
  • stare a distanzakeep at a distance 
  • stare a pane e acquabe living on bread and water 
  • stare al proprio posto do your thing 
  • stare comodobe at ease 
  • stare con i piedi per terra be realistic 
  • stare con il cuore in golabe anxious about 
  • stare con le orecchie tesekeep your ears open 
  • stare fuori dal mondobe out of this world 
  • stare in gamba keep doing well 
  • stare insieme be in a relationship 
  • stare in guardia be careful 

Now when you read all the conjugations of stare, with all this in your mind, you will start to “stare comodo” with italian language, too. 

Let’s repeat it all with music! 

By: Lucia Aiello

Lucia Aiello is one of the co-founders of LearnItalianGo. Born and raised in Italy, she is a passionate Italian teacher and language enthusiast.

Italian irregular verbs

Italian irregular verbs belong to a particular category of verbs which don’t have any regularity in their construction. For this reason, they have to be learned by heart.

Examples of Italian irregular verbs in the present tense:

Apparireto appear

I fantasmi appaiono nei luoghi in cui hanno trovato la morte.

Ghosts appear where they have been killed.

Morire – to die

Vedi Napoli e poi muori.

See Naples and then die.

As we will see, Italian irregular verbs usually present spelling and stem changes when conjugated in the present tense. Some verbs just add the consonant G to the first person singular (io) and the third plural person (loro), while others can be identified as contracted infinitives.

In this article we will go over the most common Italian irregular verbs in the present tense of the indicative mood.

Italian irregular verbs – essere and avere conjugation

First of all, we introduce auxiliary or helping verbs essere and avere.

Here is their conjugation:

Essere – to be

Io sono
Tu sei
Lui/Lei è
Noi siamo
Voi siete
Loro sono


Se stai cercando Michael, in questo momento non è qui. Tornerà più tardi!

If you are looking for Michael, he is not here right now. He’ll come back later!

I ragazzi che hanno prenotato una stanza nell’hotel più costoso di Amalfi sono di Abu Dhabi.

The guys who reserved a room in the most expensive hotel in Amalfi are from Abu Dhabi.

Avere – to have

Io ho
Tu hai
Lui/Lei ha
Noi abbiamo
Voi avete
Loro hanno


Hai per caso una penna da prestarmi? Temo di aver perso la mia!

Do you have a pen I can borrow? I’m afraid I lost mine!

Mi dispiace, ma non ho idea di dove si trovi tua sorella in questo momento!

I’m sorry, but I have no idea where your sister is right now!

Italian irregular verbs – Modal verbs conjugation

Following, the most used Italian irregular verbs are modal verbs volere (to want), potere (can), dovere (to have to / to need to / must) and sapere (can / to be able to) which are mainly used paired with another main verb in the infinitive form.

Here you have their conjugation:

Volere – to want

Io voglio
Tu vuoi
Lui/Lei vuole
Noi vogliamo
Voi volete
Loro vogliono


Vuoi vedere come ho sistemato la mia stanza dopo la ristrutturazione?

Do you want to see how I fixed up my room after the renovation?

Stiamo andando a fare una passeggiata nel bosco. Volete unirvi a noi?

We are going for a walk in the woods. Do you want to join us?

Potere – can / to be able to

Io posso
Tu puoi
Lui/Lei può
Noi possiamo
Voi potete
Loro possono


Mi ha già detto come stanno le cose, però io cosa posso farci?

He already told me where things stand, but what can I do about it?

Se ti va possiamo ordinare del cibo cinese per cena questa sera.

If you want, we can order some Chinese food for dinner this evening.

Dovere – to have to / to need to / must

Io devo
Tu devi
Lui/Lei deve
Noi dobbiamo
Voi dovete
Loro devono


Mi sa che dobbiamo prendere l’ombrello… sta cominciando a piovere!

I guess we need to take the umbrella… it’s starting to rain!

Non può andare a sciare perché questo weekend deve lavorare purtroppo.

He can’t go skiing because, unfortunately, he has to work this weekend.

Sapere – can / to be able to

Io so
Tu sai
Lui/Lei sa
Noi sappiamo
Voi sapete
Loro sanno


Non ci crederai ma mio fratello sa cantare, ballare e suonare il pianoforte!

You won’t believe this but my brother can sing, dance and play the piano!

Quel bambino è davvero un genio! Ha 3 anni e già sa contare fino a 30 in spagnolo.

That kid is kind of a genius! He is 3 and he already can count to 30 in Spanish.

Probably, you already know that the verb sapere has a double meaning: to know something and to be able to do something.


Have a look at the following examples:

Sentence Meaning
Sa a che ora arriveremo alla Stazione Centrale?


Do you know what time we arrive at the Central Station?

Someone is asking if you know what time the train arrives at the Central Station
Non è vero che solo le donne sanno cucire e stirare… anche gli uomini lo fanno!


It is not true only women can sew and iron… men can do that, too!

In this case, it is said men like women are able to sew and iron, too!

Italian irregular verbs – Stem changes

Next, we find andare (to go), uscire (to go out) and stare (to stay), the most common Italian irregular verbs presenting stem changes in their conjugation.

Andare – to go

Io vado
Tu vai
Lui/Lei va
Noi andiamo
Voi andate
Loro vanno


Vado spesso al cinema e poi in pizzeria con gli amici quando ho tempo libero.

I often go to the cinema and then to eat pizza with my friends when I have free time.

Non so se Sara e Lara questa sera vanno al club o restano a casa.

I don’t know if Sara and Lara go to the club or stay at home this evening.

Uscire – to go out

Io esco
Tu esci
Lui/Lei esce
Noi usciamo
Voi uscite
Loro escono


Escono quasi tutte le sere perché si annoiano a casa.

They almost go out every night because they get bored at home.

Uscite questo pomeriggio? Dove avete intenzione di andare?

Do you go out this afternoon? Where are you going?

Stare – to stay

Io sto
Tu stai
Lui/Lei sta
Noi stiamo
Voi state
Loro stanno


È incredibile! Stanno calmi solo quando dai loro qualcosa da fare.

It’s unbelievable! They stay calm only when you give them something to do.

Ogni volta che Giovanni sta fuori casa tutta la notte, si sente in colpa.

Every time Giovanni stays out all night, he feels guilty.


As you can see, stem changes don’t occur in Noi and Voi conjugations in this type of irregular verbs in Italian.

Italian irregular verbs – Spelling changes

Now, it’s time to talk about the verbs tacere and piacere, clear examples of spelling changes.

They are conjugated as follows:

Tacere – to shut up

Io taccio
Tu taci
Lui/Lei tace
Noi tacciamo
Voi tacete
Loro tacciono


Siamo davvero dei codardi! Tacciamo tutte le volte che ci danno fastidio per paura di essere picchiati!
We are all cowards! We shut up every time they bother us because we are scared to be hit!

Tacciono sempre quando gli vengono chieste informazioni in merito al progetto.
They always shut up when they are asked to give some information about the project.

Piacere – to like 

Io piaccio
Tu piaci
Lui/Lei piace
Noi piacciamo
Voi piacete
Loro piacciono


Mi piacciono le lunghe passeggiate sulla spiaggia e le gite in barca.

I like long walks on the beach and boat trips.

Non ho mai capito perché piaccio sempre molto alle persone stravaganti!

I never understood why eccentric people always like me a lot!

As you may have noticed, the double consonant –cc– appears in the first person singular, and in the first and third person plural in both verbs.

Instead, as regards the use of the verb piacere, make sure you are using it properly with indirect pronouns, because you can get confused easily!

Italian irregular verbs – Add a ‘’g’’

Meanwhile, Italian irregular verbs venire (to come), rimanere (to remain) , accogliere (to welcome) and tenere (to hold) require in their stem the consonant G at the first person singular (io) and the third person plural (loro).

Here is their conjugation:

Venire – to come

Io vengo
Tu vieni
Lui/Lei viene
Noi veniamo
Voi venite
Loro vengono


Vengono anche Nick e Jasper stasera al compleanno di Kathy?

Do Nick and Jasper come to Kathy’s birthday this evening, too?

Se viene Clara alla festa stasera, io non ci sarò perchè mi sta antipatica.

If Clara comes to the party tonight, I won’t be there because I don’t like that girl.

Rimanere – to remain

Io rimango
Tu rimani
Lui/Lei rimane
Noi rimaniamo
Voi rimanete
Loro rimangono


Rimango senza parole ogni volta che assisto alla nascita di un bambino.

I remain speechless every time I attend the birth of a child.

Cosa accadde quella mattina rimane ancora un mistero.

What happened that morning still remains a mystery.

Accogliere – to welcome

Io accolgo
Tu accogli
Lui/Lei accoglie
Noi accogliamo
Voi accogliete
Loro accolgono


Ogni anno i nostri hotel accolgono più di 600 ospiti stranieri.

Every year our hotels welcome more than 600 foreign guests.

Mia nonna accoglie sempre tutti a braccia aperte.

My grandmother always welcomes everyone with open arms.

Tenere – to hold

Io tengo
Tu tieni
Lui/Lei tiene
Noi teniamo
Voi tenete
Loro tengono


Tiene sempre il bambino tra le sue braccia

She always holds the baby in her arms

Una volta all’anno tengono provini per giovani attori che vogliono unirsi alla compagnia teatrale.

Once a year, they hold auditions for young actors who want to join the theatre company.

You should know that the verb tenere is often used in place of the auxiliary verb avere in colloquial language (especially in some dialects of southern Italy).


Oggi tengo un mal di testa terribile! E pure mal di stomaco!

Today I have a terrible headache! Even stomach ache!

Tenete un bel po’ di cose da fare oggi, eh?

Do you have a lot of things to do, don’t you?

Italian irregular verbs – contracted infinitives

Lastly, we end with Italian irregular verbs bere (to drink), dire (to say), dare (to give), fare (to do). This type of verbs has an infinitive which is very short, while the conjugated forms are basically longer. That’s why we talk about contracted infinitives.

Let’s see how to conjugate them:

Bere – to drink

Io bevo
Tu bevi
Lui/Lei beve
Noi beviamo
Voi bevete
Loro bevono


Prima di andare a dormire, i bambini bevono di solito un bicchiere di latte.

Before going to bed, kids usually drink a glass of milk.

Mi hanno detto che beve tanto quando è sola. Per caso è depressa?

They told me she drinks a lot when she’s alone. Is she depressed at all?

Dire – to say

Io dico
Tu dici
Lui/Lei dice
Noi diciamo
Voi dite
Loro dicono


Dice che vorrebbe fare un viaggio negli Stati Uniti non appena andrà in ferie ad agosto.

He says he would like to take a trip to the United States as soon as he goes on holiday in August.

Perché non dite quello che vi è successo la scorsa notte? Su, coraggio!

Why don’t you say what happened to you last night? Come on!

A thing to remember is that the consonant C followed by the vowels E and I has CH sound in the present tense. Otherwise, it sounds like K.

Dare – to give

Io do
Tu dai
Lui/Lei dà
Noi diamo
Voi date
Loro danno


Ti do 5 giorni di tempo per lasciare questa casa. È chiaro?

I give you 5 days’ time to get out of this house. Is that clear?

Dà importanza alle cose materiali perché non vuole ammettere di sentirsi solo.

It could happen you may not be able to distinguish the preposition da (from/by) and the word danno (damage) from the third person singular and the third person plural of the verb dare because they are written in the same way. For this reason, it is recommended to put an accent mark on dà. No one puts it on the word dànno, but the context will help you understand if it means they give or damage.

Fare – to do

Io faccio
Tu fai
Lui/Lei fa
Noi facciamo
Voi fate
Loro fanno


Fa del suo meglio per non sembrare troppo prepotente con i suoi colleghi.

She does her best to avoid appearing too bossy with her colleagues.

Faccio tutto quello che posso per renderti facile ma pare che tu sia incontentabile!

I do everything I can to make you happy but it seems you are hard to please!

Italian irregular Verb Conjugations online

Any problems memorizing Italian irregular verbs? Don’t worry about it! You don’t need to remember them all! If you forget something, use : it is very useful to find all the irregular forms of the present tense… and not only that!

Eventually, you could check some lists of the most common and unusual Italian irregular verbs available on the Internet.

In case you are so brave to learn them all by heart, then give it a try and good luck!

In conclusion, we can say that it is important to know the present tense conjugations of irregular verbs not just because they’re used a lot, but also because they form the basis for other conjugations, such as the Imperative and the Subjunctive.

If you want to practice Italian Grammar and tenses here is a list of useful books for you:

By: Alfonso Di Somma

Born and raised in Italy, he is an Italian professional translator and a tireless traveler. His main passion? Foreign languages!