Dare conjugation is extremely important to learn because in Italy we use the verb dare very often in everyday conversation.
The literal translation of the verb dare is to give. It also has other meanings, such as to show / to perform, to yield / to produce. In some context dare also means “to face”, “to look at”. When it’s used as a reflexive verb it means “devote yourself”. Also, there are a lot of Italian Idioms with dare, such as “dare un’occhiata”, “dare il cinque” or “dare i numeri”, that are used everyday in Italy.
So, if you want to know how use the verb dare, first you need to learn how to conjugate it in all its tenses!
Then keep reading this article until the end!
Dare Conjugation – Presente Indicativo

Io do |
Tu dai |
Lui/lei dà |
Noi diamo |
Voi date |
Loro danno |
We use Presente when we want to talk about the present. When we want to express actions or state that we’re experiencing right now. The equivalent of this verb in English would be Present Simple. It’s simple, right?
Let’s see some examples:
Ti do il mio numero di telefono, puoi scrivere?
I give you my phone number, can you write it down?
Diamo un’altra opportunità a tua sorella.
We give your sister another chance.
Mi dai un minuto, per favore?
Can you give me a minute, please?
And if you want to repeat all Italian tenses here is a useful books for you: